days to deadline of 20th May 2011

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The National Training Awards Press Office will send out press releases following the announcement of the regional finalists, regional ceremonies and the Gala.

The Press Office will also be happy to provide comments from spokespeople at The National Training Awards and Government for you to include in your own releases.

And don't forget to include any press releases on your website, intranet and in your company newsletter to ensure your exciting news reaches all your stakeholders.


UK Gala Ceremony - The National Training Awards’ New Look

A new look for the National Training Awards


A new look National Training Awards is being unveiled for 2008.

The UK’s economy and society has undergone many changes from the 1980s when the first National Training Awards were given out, said Simon Bartley, UK Skills Chief Executive.

“Technological changes such as the internet and email have transformed how we do business and live our lives.  There is also now an increasing demand for skills to ensure the UK prospers economically and socially.

“To reflect the needs of a 21st century economy and society, we’re unveiling a new look National Training Awards for 2008.  These changes also reflect a ‘coming of age’ for the awards which turn 21 this year.

“Much of these new look awards will be familiar.  We’ve retained its respected and rigorous judging process and inclusivity as an award that is open to anyone and any organisation regardless of training, sector or organisational size.

“The entry process will be simpler and we’ve also introduced six new categories of award to recognise individuals, collaborative partnerships, small to large employers, and organisations that provide education and training.

“The competition element of the awards has been strengthened.  While we’ll continue to give out regional training awards, we will also make awards to the best example of training per category in each region.  These regional winners will then be considered for the accolade of ‘Winner of the Year’ in their category.”

Entries for the 2008 National Training Awards open in January and close on 25 April 2008.  For more information visit www.nationaltrainingawards.com.



For more information contact:
Kathryn Crookenden          ph. 020 7612 9261   kathryn.crookenden@ukskills.org.uk
Communications Executive, UK Skills


Social Media
Including news of your success with the National Training Awards on your company's social networking site is another great way to shout about your achievements.

Company literature
Announcing you have won a National Training Award can add real kudos to your company - remember to include your achievement on email signatures, business cards and company literature.