days to deadline of 20th May 2011

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UK Gala Ceremony - Reaching Your Goals

Lining up your goals for 2008


Some time after the fourth helping of turkey, many people’s thoughts turn from Christmas to New Year’s Resolutions.

Joining the gym is obviously a worthy resolution for the New Year.  So too is deciding to stop smoking or taking up that hobby you’ve always wanted to do. 

While these can make your life healthier and happier, will they get you that promotion, pay rise or dream job? What resolutions do you have for your work?

Over this Christmas set aside the mulled wine and mince pies for a moment to think about your career or business goals for the coming 366 days.  After all, you are going to spend approximately 236 of them at work this year.

Goals are essential to getting where you want to go in life.  You only need look at the English football team’s qualifying matches for Euro2008 to see the importance of achieving your goals.

Here are some steps to get your thinking underway, plus some examples from National Training Award winners who have set and achieved their career goals – and are now working towards new ones.

1.  Think seriously about your future.  Where do you want to be in your career in twelve months’ time?  What do you want to be doing in ten years’ time?

2.  Find your motivation for change.  The right motivation will give you the energy you need to establish new habits and carry you through temporary setbacks.  As a young tailor in Trinidad, Andrew Ramroop, dreamed of working in Savile Row.  Today he owns Maurice Sedwells on Savile Row and has set up a tailoring academy to train the elite tailors of the future. 

3.  Look out for opportunities around you.  Health and safety consultant Andrew Hoskins wanted to run his own business but was not sure what field it should be in. The answer came when he was given the chance to become his company’s health and safety officer.  Eventually he set up his own health and safety training and consultancy business.

4.  Find the right course.  You might need new skills to progress in your current job or have to gain a whole new qualification if you want to change career. Dorothy Spry started her learning journey with a Social Science Foundation which led on to two A Levels, then a psychology degree, and eventually to her becoming a fully chartered occupational psychologist. Check out the website of your local college or those belonging to organisations such as learndirect (www.learndirect.co.uk) and City & Guilds (www.city&guilds.com) and. The Learning and Skills Council (www.lsc.gov.uk) can also assist with training on the job. 

5.  Give all you’ve got to achieving your goal.  Denise Hannibal had left school with no qualifications but she did not let this stop her from getting the qualifications she needed to becoming a learning mentor for a local council.  She worked her way through various jobs and qualifications, carefully balancing her family commitments.  She now oversees learning mentoring for 2,000 pupils, runs conferences and workshops, and has co-written a parenting programme.

6.  Celebrate your success.  If you’ve achieved something worth shouting about, why not look at entering a professional or industry award.  Awards such as the National Training Awards give you an opportunity to benchmark your success against others and to celebrate.  Visit www.nationaltrainingawards.com.


For more information contact:
Kathryn Crookenden          ph. 020 7612 9261   kathryn.crookenden@ukskills.org.uk
Communications Executive, UK Skills


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Company literature
Announcing you have won a National Training Award can add real kudos to your company - remember to include your achievement on email signatures, business cards and company literature.